Friday, February 19, 2010

do you often get people shouting at you,
screaming that you dont understand them and you will only know if you were in their shoes ?
well, that happens all the time ,
its because everyone, well most of the people only look at things in a point of view.
they wouldnt understand the situation fully unless they look at it at several angles.

heres one true story .
have you noticed that if you are a family of more than two siblings.
people often compare you with your elder and younger siblings ?
and that they would only notice the youngest and the eldest ?
like when a stranger comes along ,
the person will start talking about the eldest ,
wah . you graduated ,
wah, your age gap so big .
wah , you so good to your siblings and all .
and then the person will turn to the youngest and say ,
wah, you enjoy life lor.
ur siblings so old can take care of you,
and your age gap so big everyone manja you .
thats what all ordinary people see,
that the eldest has the worse life because he/she has to sacrifice to look after their younger siblings.
and that the youngest lead the best life because he / she will be spoilt by the elder sibling.

what they dont know is the true feeling the youngest feel .
because of the age gap ,
he/she will feel left out .
he/she will not have a very strong ties with the elder siblings .
he/she will miss out on all the cool things the elder siblings has gone through.
he/she will be alone with no other sibling to play and fight with .
because he/she is the youngest ,
parents tend to pay less attention to him/her than the eldest
because they are "tired" .
theres many other things that he/she will feel that no others will understand .

im sorry .

10:46 AM
will you? ;

`I give you my heart;

Speak you mind, dont hold back!

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My Love
-Whereever you are, i hope you will come to me.-
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

About me


Whether you like what im saying or not, its what i will be saying. although i will try to minimise any hurtful remarks, there may still be occasional mistakes. if you cant take it, please do all of us a favour and exit =) but, i hope you guys will enjoy it, thanks for visiting =)

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